Brad Basten, Department of Transportation
Tara Olds, Minnesota Department of Transportation

Public Perception of CAV in Wisconsin
Brad Basten, WisDOT and Andrew McFadden, University of Wisconsin
This session presents the results of a detailed study of the Wisconsin public’s understanding of CAVs through a large-scale survey based on a random sample of Wisconsin households. The results include Wisconsinites’ acceptance of early testing; their perceived benefits, drawbacks, and barriers to CAV implementation; and the implications for potential WisDOT action.
Community Driven CAV
Tara Olds, MnDOT
Learn how Minnesota set out to flip the script on traditional ways of transportation planning through a first-of-its-kind initiative called Community-Driven CAV. This project brought together a diverse set of invested individuals and organizations and applied an equity lens and human-centered design to planning a more equitable transportation future. Instead of starting with the solution in mind, this project clearly defined what the community needed to thrive and then explored what role CAV will play to fulfill those needs.
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