Work Zone Traveler Information: Is it Getting to Drivers on the Road?
Adam Wellner, MnDOT
While many states publish traveler information using data feeds, how do we know that the data is getting to drivers? This session covers Minnesota’s end-to-end in-house test to find the answer. The results provided a better understanding of what 3rd parties are using our data, how it is presented to drivers, when it gets published, and what future efforts may be explored to better ensure this information is gets to drivers in a timely and effective manner.
Work Zone Technology Differences
John MacAdam, MacAdam Consulting
This presentation highlight’s Ohio’s efforts to assess various connected equipment to enhance public awareness of construction and maintenance activities on the roadway. While many devices are in use, their effectiveness remains uncertain. The project aims to develop a plan for measuring the effectiveness of different devices to help infrastructure owner operators make decisions on future scaling.
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Columbus, OH 43215
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