CV Certification
Randy Roebuck, OmniAir Consortium
This session will present a certification overview and how device-level connectivity conformance and interoperability can benefit infrastructure owners and operators. Specifically, the presentation will demonstrate how the concept and practice of an impartial, third-party certification provides a process for an objective evaluation and attestation that a device complies with standards-based requirements and industry consensus on protocol, interoperability, minimum performance, application behavior, and testing requirements.
V2X Standards
Nick Seling, HNTB
Despite broad support across the industry, there is currently no standard that defines a consistent approach to the deployment of most CV applications. Learn how Ohio has engaged with infrastructure owners and operators as well as automotive industry stakeholders to develop Standard Operating Principles (SOPs) for three CV applications: Curve Speed Warning, Lane Closure Warning, and Reduced Speed Zone Warning. The SOPs proactively define a consistent approach to the messages that IOOs provide to support these applications, while ensuring that industry stakeholders get the data that they need to support a full range of in-vehicle processes.
350 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
United States