Full Name
Marc Nichols
Job Title
Director of Gov/ Relations.
Speaker Bio
Marc Nichols is currently a Director, Government and Industry Partnerships at Drivewyze. He previously served as a Section Director for the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, and was assigned to Field Operations which included Motor Carrier Enforcement and Special Operations until his retirement on June 1st, 2011. As Director, Major Nichols was directly responsible for the Highway Patrol’s size and weight program which was regulated by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program which empowered Troopers to conduct all levels of CVSA inspections and the enforcement of Federal Regulations. Both programs received federal funding to perform these operations. Other units under his command were Aviation, Criminal Interdiction, Accident Reconstruction, Hazardous Materials, Asset Forfeiture, K-9, Caisson, Mobile Field Force, Motor Cycle Unit, and Federal Task Force Agents assigned to DEA, FBI, and the US Marshall’s Office. Marc was also the spokesperson for the North Carolina State Highway Patrol at the North Carolina General Assembly on law enforcement and transportation related matters and was the Governors spokesperson for media relations concerning commercial motor vehicles.

Marc was appointed to his role as commissioner by the NC General Assembly to the North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission where he serves as the Chair for Public Safety.

Marc also was appointed to commissioner by the NC General Assembly to the North Carolina Sheriff's Training and Standards Division.

Major Nichols is a graduate from Central Piedmont College, Mitchell College, FBI LEEDA, and the Executive leadership Program from North Carolina State University.
Marc Nichols